Returns must be in the same new condition (not used on a ride), include tags, manuals and product box. Within 60 days from the order date.
Buyers are responsible for return shipping costs. You may use your own carrier or request a Flat Rate Return Label for $8.95. Which would be deducted from your refund amount. Click here to Request a Return Label. We do not accept C.O.D. deliveries. Shipping fees or any cost associated with shipping, duties, taxes or brokerage fees are non-refundable. Applies to the 48 contiguous states (does not apply to HI, AK or PR).
To prevent shipping damage, place helmets in the helmet bag, open side down in the product box. Place the product box in sturdy shipping box (do not ship items in the product box alone).
Items received which do not meet these criteria will not be accepted and will be sent back to you. Product boxes used as a shipping box, may be refused if damaged or charged $5-10 for a product box replacement fee. Items showing any signs of use are considered used and not returnable (debris, bugs, pet hair, scuffs, scratches, dirt, mounting marks, etc.).
Once delivered, packages are usually processed within 1-3 business days (Monday - Friday). Credit card refunds usually take 1-4 business days and debit cards 2-9 business days.
To report a Product Defect, Warranty Claim or if the wrong item was received, please contact Customer Support via email For defective product or damage claims, please include a photo(s) if possible.
For a faster exchange and to grab the item while still in stock, you may place a new order anytime. You may return the original item for a refund, for the item price paid.
Click here to see details about our FREE 1st Size Exchange Offer for items priced over $99: FREE Exchange Policy
1. Review above criteria to ensure the item is returnable.
2. If your item meets the criteria, return to: Attn: Returns
7540 W Northwind St.
STE 210
Wichita, KS 67205
3. Please include a copy of your emailed order or return form below.
4. If you use your own carrier, please keep a copy of your tracking number and the receipt. We are not responsible for lost packages.